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我们将创建铅笔首先是因为它是我们最棘手的项目图标。 该中心绘制一个小的绿色循环的使用椭圆选框工具(米)的帆布顶。 然后两个较小的副本,每边1。



激活单元从视图菜单(Shift + Command键+;),创造铅笔指南。扣三个各界纪念铅笔地方的垂直边缘会。绘制低于要么使用钢笔工具性(P界分层浅黄色三角形)或多边形套索工具(长),抢购的指导,以确保对称性。命名此三角“的一角。”






Add two gray ellipses at the bottom guides, right where the metal clasp will be, using the Ellipse Tool (U) (4a).在底部添加导游两个灰色椭圆,右手边的金属扣将,使用椭圆工具(ü)(4A)条。

Copy the bottom ellipse, name it "eraser" and move it down.复制底部椭圆,将其命名为“擦”,并下移。

Change its color to a pinkish orange then rasterize all three shapes.改变它的颜色粉红橙色然后栅格三种形状。

With a simple rectangular selection fill in the gap between the bottom gray ellipse and the "eraser" (4b).用一个简单的矩形选择填写底部之间的灰色椭圆和“擦差距”(4b)的。


Step 5第5步

Move the bigger green circle down a bit, then using the Pen Tool (P) draw the shape for the pencil\’s body, snapping to the guides (5a).移动了一点更大的绿色圆圈,然后使用钢笔工具(规划)绘制的铅笔的身体形态,捕捉到导游(5A)条。

Adjust the position of the three circles so they look like a crown on top of the main shape then merge all green shapes together (5b).调整三环地位,它们看起来像一个主要形状的顶部皇冠然后合并在一起的绿色形状(5B)条。


Step 6第6步

Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and snapping to the edges of the circles at the top, select each vertical side of the pencil\’s body then hit Shift + Command + J to create a new layer from the selection, or go to Layer > New > Layer via Cut.使用矩形选框工具(M)和捕捉到顶部的圆圈的边缘,选择每一个铅笔的身体垂直一边,然后按下Shift + Command键+ J,为创建一个选择,新的层或去层>“新建“通过剪切层。

You will thus obtain three layers.你将因此获得三个层次。

From left to right name them as follows: "top", "front" and "bottom."从左至右依次为它们命名如下:“顶”,“前线”和“底部。”

When we rotate the pencil so it points to the sketchbook, the left side will be on top, the middle side will be at the front, and the right side will be at the bottom (6a).当我们旋转铅笔,以便它指向写生,左边将顶部,中间方将在前面,右侧将在底部(6A)款。

Let\’s imagine that the light comes from the left so when we rotate the pencil to make it write on the sketchbook it will appear to be coming from the top.让我们想象,光从左侧所以当我们旋转铅笔,使写在写生,将显示为来自上层来。

To comply with the light\’s direction we have to make the "top" layer lighter and the "bottom" layer darker.为了遵守光的方向,我们必须使“顶部”层打火机和“底”层暗。

You can use the Brightness/Contrast, the Hue/Saturation (Command + U) or the Levels window to accomplish that.您可以使用亮度/对比度,色相/饱和度(命令+ U)或该级别的窗口实现这一目标。

It\’s your choice (6b).这是您的选择(型)。


Step 7第7步

Let\’s shade the tip now.让我们现在阴影的技巧。

Add a pale yellow-to-orange horizontal Gradient Overlay style to the "tip" layer (7a) so the right part, which will be the bottom once the pencil is rotated, is darker (7b).添加淡黄色到橙色水平渐变叠加样式的“小费”层(7A)条,以便正确的一部分,这将是底部一旦铅笔旋转,是深色(7B)条。

To enforce the lighting we must also brighten the left side of the "lead."执行灯光照亮,我们还必须对“牵头的左边。”

Lock its transparency so you won\’t be able to paint inside the existing pixels (7c).锁其透明度,使你无法描绘内(7C条)现有的像素。

Hit B to select the Brush Tool and make sure the color is pure white.点击乙选择画笔工具,并确保颜色是纯白色。

Then paint a single stroke along the left side with a big, soft, white brush, while keeping the opacity to a low number (7d).然后画左侧的一杆的大,柔软,白刷,同时保持透明度,以一个较低的数字(7D条)。

This adds a nice, subtle highlight.这增加了一个不错的,微妙的亮点。


Step 8第8步 Type D to activate the default colors (black and white).D型激活默认的颜色(黑色和白色)。 Create a black square on a new layer between the tip and the lead and name it wood texture (8a).创

Step 8第8步

Type D to activate the default colors (black and white).D型激活默认的颜色(黑色和白色)。

Create a black square on a new layer between the "tip" and the "lead" and name it "wood texture" (8a).创建之间的“小费新层一个黑色正方形”和“领导”,并命名为“木材纹理”(8A)条。

Go to Filter > Render > Fibers and choose the same values as in image 8b.转到滤镜“>渲染”纤维,并选择在图像8B条相同的值。

The resulting texture (8c) hides the "tip" so we reduce the Opacity to 50% and choose the Overlay blending mode (8d).由此产生的纹理(第八期丙)隐藏的“小费”,所以我们不透明度降低到50%,并选择覆盖混合模式(8d)。

The wooden tip now has a nice color and a realistic grain (8e).木一角现在有一个很好的颜色和现实粮食(腋)。


Step 9第9步

All we have to do now is deform the "wood texture" so it follows the contour of the "tip."所有我们现在要做的是变形的“木纹”,因此它遵循了“小费轮廓。

To do that type Command + T to activate Free Transform, then right-click the texture on the canvas and choose Perspective.为此,键入Command + T将启动自由变换,然后右键单击画布上的纹理和选择视角。

Drag the top anchor points inward to fit the texture to the "tip" (9a).拖动锚点顶部向内以适应纹理的“小费”,(90)。

Take a look at what we have so far (9b).看一看我们迄今(9B条)看看。

We want to add a bit of shininess to the pencil so let\’s paint the main highlight on the "tip" on a new layer, using a soft, white brush.我们想补充一点的光亮的铅笔,以便让我们画上的“小费一个新的层”的主要亮点,用软,白刷。

Reduce the highlight\’s opacity to let the texture shine through (9c).减少突出的透明度,让通过(9C条)纹理光泽。


Step 10第10步

Let\’s introduce some color variation on the pencil\’s body, it looks flat right now.让我们介绍一些对铅笔的体色变化,但现在看起来平坦。

Select the Burn Tool (O) from the toolbar and set it up as in image 10a.选择刻录工具的工具栏(O)和设置它在图像10A条。

It\’s important to use a large, soft brush and very low opacity.重要的是要使用大,软刷和非常低的透明度。

Use several brush strokes to darken the top and the bottom of all three sides, making the bottom darker (more brush strokes).使用几种笔画变暗的顶部和底部的所有三个方面,使底部暗(更多笔画)。

Try it on the "bottom" layer first to get a feel for the Burn Tool.尝试在“底部”层中第一个获得的烧伤工具感觉到。

Once you\’re satisfied with the shading (10b), repeat this for the remaining two layers.一旦你满意阴影(10B条),重复其余两层这一点。

Make sure the pencil becomes progressively darker as you go to the right and to the bottom (10c).请确保铅笔逐渐变得黑暗,当您去的权利和底部(-10℃)。


Step 11第11步

Let\’s make the edges pop out.让我们的边缘弹出。

With the guides showing and Snap active, draw a path along the left vertical side (11a).随着导游的积极表现和管理单元,绘制沿左侧垂直侧(11A)条路径。

In the Paths palette double-click it to name it "edge" (11b).在路径调色板双击它命名为“边缘”(B款)。

Now set up a 3px, hard-edged, white brush (11c).现在成立了一个3px,硬边,白刷(11C条)。

Create a new layer on top of the three sides and select it.


In the Paths palette right-click on the "edge" and choose Stroke Path.在路径调色板的权利的“边点击”,然后选择描边路径。

From the pop-up window select the Brush and toggle on the "Simulate Pressure" option (11d).


This is what it looks like: a nice, tapered highlight (11e).这是它看起来像:一个不错的锥形突出(11E条)。

Name the layer "edge."名称层“的边缘。

Create a second edge by copying the first one.通过复制创建第一个第二个优势。

Make the copy a bit transparent since it\’s closer to the bottom where less light arrives (11f).副本有点透明的,因为它比较接近底部到达那里少轻(11层)。


Step 12第12步 On to the metal clasp now.到现在的金属扣。 Hide the body and tip layers.隐藏的身体和提示层。 Darken the top ellipse.变暗顶端椭圆。 It will be the hole where the wooden pencil inserts.这

Step 12第12步

On to the metal clasp now.到现在的金属扣。

Hide the "body" and "tip" layers.隐藏的“身体”和“提示”层。

Darken the top ellipse.变暗顶端椭圆。

It will be the hole where the wooden pencil inserts.这将是洞,插入的木制铅笔。

Fill in the lighter ellipse to close the gap (12a).填写打火机椭圆缩小差距(第12A)。

Apply a Gradient Overlay style with many highlights to get a nice metal surface (12b).适用于许多突出了渐变叠加样式,得到了一个很好的金属表面(12B)款。


Step 13步骤13

Duplicate the "hole" ellipse.重复的“洞”椭圆。

Name the copy "ring," reduce its Fill to 0% then add a dark Stroke (13a).复制名称“环”,减少其填充为0%,然后添加一个黑暗的中风(第13A)。

Erase the top half (13b).擦除的上半部分(第13B)。

Now add a white Drop Shadow (13c) to simulate a highlight (13d).现在添加白色阴影(碳)来模拟一个亮点(第13)。

Make a bunch of copies of the "ring" and arrange them over the metal clasp (13e).记下的“环副本的一群”,并安排了金属扣(13E条)他们。

Group all similar layers together.集团一起类似的层。


Step 14步骤14

Before we move on let\’s take a look at the layer structure we have.在我们继续之前,让我们看一看在层结构,我们看看。

It\’s important to keep files tidy.重要的是要保持档案整洁。

We can easily toggle layers on and off, which speeds up productivity.我们可以很容易地切换和关闭层,其中达生产力的速度。

It also makes complex layer structures less scary to look at (14a).这也使得复合层结构不可怕,研究(第14A)。

Move the "CLASP" group above the "BODY."移动高于“机构的”标识和器具“组。

Add an internal shadow by painting with a soft, black brush on a separate layer (14b).添加绘画软,一个单独的层(第14B)黑色画笔内部阴影。

To complete the pencil we have to shade the eraser.为了完成铅笔,我们必须遮盖橡皮擦。

First let\’s scale it down a bit so it\’s smaller than the metal clasp.首先,让我们的规模下来了一点,所以比金属扣小。

Then lighten the left part and darken the right part.然后,减轻左侧的一部分,变暗的权利的一部分。

How do you do that?你怎么做呢?

Just like we did for the "lead," lock the eraser\’s transparency then paint with low opacity brushes along the edges, white to lighten and black to darken (14c).就像我们的“领导做了,”锁定橡皮擦的透明度,然后画刷透明度低沿边缘,白色和黑色,以减轻变暗(14C条)。


Step 15第15步

The pencil is complete.铅笔完成。

Select all layers and group them as "PENCIL."选择所有图层和群组中的“铅笔。

Duplicate the group and hit Command + E to merge all layers into one.重复组和打击司令部+ E至合并为一个所有层。

Keep the original group for later adjustments, just in case, but work on the single layer from now on (15a).随后进行调整,保持原有的组,以防万一,但是从现在开始的工作(第15a)在单层。

Rotate the pencil 135 degrees clockwise so it points down diagonally (15b).旋转135度顺时针铅笔使其指向下斜(15B条)。

Lock this layer to avoid messing it up.锁定该层,以避免它搞乱。

You can see now that the shading suggests light coming from the top.现在您可以看到显示的阴影光线来自上层。

Let\’s keep that in mind.让我们记住这一点。


Step 16步骤16 Using the Pen Tool (P) draw the top page of the sketchbook (16a).使用钢笔工具(规划)提请写生(16A条)首页。 The sketchbook\’s orientation nicely contrasts that of the pencil for a balanced

Step 16步骤16

Using the Pen Tool (P) draw the top page of the sketchbook (16a).使用钢笔工具(规划)提请写生(16A条)首页。

The sketchbook\’s orientation nicely contrasts that of the pencil for a balanced composition.在作画的方向很好的对比,对铅笔的组成平衡。


Step 17步骤17

Shade the page with a soft gradient, from almost white (top) to a light gray (bottom) (17a).色光的页面软梯度,几乎白(顶端),浅灰色(下)(17A条)。

Using the Pen Tool again add thickness to the sketchbook.使用钢笔工具又增加厚度的人物。

Use two shades of gray, making the bottom darker (17b).利用灰色两种颜色,使底部暗(17页)。


Step 18第18步

Lock the transparency of all three layers (page, side and bottom).锁的透明度所有三个层次(页,侧面和底部)。

Using soft, black brushes with low opacity darken the page at the top and bottom.使用变暗在顶部和底部的页面透明度低软,黑色刷子。

Also darken the bottom thickness near its center.同时变暗其中心附近的底部的厚度。

These color variations suggest a slight unevenness that makes the objects look a bit more natural (18a, 18b, 18c).这些颜色的变化,提出一个轻微的不平衡,使得对象看上去有点更自然(18A条,第18B,18C型)。


Step 19步骤19

Using the Line Tool (U) set to white, draw parallel lines over the bottom and side (19a and 19b).使用直线工具(ü)设置为白色,得出的底部和侧面平行线(19A及19B)。

They represent the stack of pages, of course, so adjust their opacity to your liking.他们代表页的堆栈当然,所以调整其透明度根据自己的喜好。

Group them together once you\’re done.集团在一起一旦你完成。


Step 20步骤20

You can now duplicate all the sketchbook layers and merge them together.现在,您可以复制所有的写生层和合并在一起。

Again, keep the original layer structure for any changes you require down the line.再次,保留您需要的任何更改了东线的层结构。

When creating icons you optimize the smaller sizes (48px, 32px, 16px) by eliminating those elements that won\’t be readable anymore, for example the page lines.当创建图标您优化,消除这些因素,不会再是可读的小尺寸(48px,32px,16px),例如网页线。

Add a Drop Shadow to the sketchbook using a simple layer style.添加阴影的写生使用简单的图层样式。


Step 2121步

The light comes from the top so the pencil projects a shadow onto the sketchbook.光线来自上方,因此项目的铅笔写生上阴影。

Duplicate the pencil layer and turn it black.重复铅笔层,把它黑色。

I usually hit Command+ U to bring up Hue/saturation and move the Lightness slider all the way to the left.我通常打命令+ U键弹出色相/饱和度和亮度滑块移动一直向左侧。

But everyone develops a unique workflow.但大家都开发了独特的工作流程。

Skew the shadow (Command + T, right-click and choose Skew) so it lies parallel to the sketchbook\’s top and bottom sides (21a).歪斜的影子(Command + T键,用鼠标右键单击并选择偏移),因此它是平行于写生的顶部和底部(第21A)。

Alt-click the line between the "sketchbook" and the "shadow" layers to mask the shadow with the sketchbook\’s contour (21b).按住Alt键之间的“写生路线”和“阴影”层,以掩盖与写生的轮廓(乙)的影子。


Step 22步骤22

Reduce the shadow\’s fill to 0%.减少阴影的填充为0%。

Add a Gradient Overlay, making the left color stop transparent and the right color stop black (22a).添加一个渐变叠加,使得左边的颜色停止透明和正确的颜色停止黑色(22A条)。

The shadow now fades away from the tip of the pencil to the border of the page.现在的影子没有不散的筵席从铅笔顶端的页面边框。

Blur the shadow using the Blur Tool.模糊的影子使用模糊工具。

The farther from the tip, the blurrier (22b).越远,从冰山的模糊(22页)。


Step 23步骤23

The icon is now complete.该图标现已完成。

All we have to do now is draw a little sketch on the page.所有我们现在要做的就是在页面上绘制一些素描。

I\’ll leave you free to draw whatever you want.我将离开你自由地绘制任何你想要的。

Just pick a brush with a little texture from the Brush Presets (hit F5) and you\’re good to go.您只需选择了以小刷预置纹理画笔(按F5键),你可以安心上路。











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